2025 January 8th

Matt Innes - Composting and Biochar - online show

Matt Innes - Composting and Biochar - powerpoint file

June 19th

Sophy Fearnley-Whittingstall – Eden Renewables – Solar Farms in Wiltshire, resolving common concerns

Solar Farms - May 15th

Is Nuclear Power an answer to our energy crisis? Nikki Jones

April 17th

Dr Karen Simpson - Wessex Water

Chippenham water community project, river health

March 20th

Paul Jupp - Meadow in my Garden


March 6th

Actions to take

Discussion and talk by Derek

February 24

‘The Breaking of our Boundaries’

an environmental documentary film

January 24

Pollinators with Jeremy Percy


December 23


Chairman’s 2023 report

AGM Minutes

AGM, Christmas Quiz and Thermal imaging

“How to get stuff done at home -

and do the right thing”

Adrian Temple Brown

Presentation in powerpoint Sept 23

Presentation in word Sept 23

“An Introduction to Nature Based Solutions”

Steve Allen, Senior Environmental and Planning Adviser,

Wessex Water

Presentation May 23

“Eel Deal”

Andrew Kerr, Chair of the European Sustainable Eel Group - a talk on our rivers and their impact on eels

Presentation April 23

“Climate, Health and Food”

Dr. Hannah Chase

Presentation March 23


Calne EcoFest

Eco Fest Calne will be a great and fun opportunity for everyone in the Calne Community Area to celebrate our local environment, wildlife and biodiversity. It has been timed to tie in with the  COP26 event in Glasgow and will take place on:

Saturday 6th November from 10.30 – 2.30pm at Calne Town Hall.

The idea is that Eco Fest will be a lively and positive event:

There will be local/sustainable goods for sale, tasty refreshments to try and information from local organisations and groups designed to advise and inspire people to take small or large actions which could save money and perhaps help save the planet too

More details at https://ocm.wiltshire.gov.uk/calne/calne-eco-fest-2021/

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