Meetings in 2025 are usually on the 2nd Wednesday in the month at 1930 in Bremhill Village Hall.

Wednesday 12th March - Richard Rickett - A buzz in the Garden - by one of Britain’s best known bee keepers. Bremhill Village Hall

2nd April                  Discussion of community project plus Matt Innes on “an overview of weather systems and how this relates to climate breakdown” – Bremhill Village Hall

 15th May                Joint meeting with BVFG on flood resilience and natural flood management

 6th June                  “Waking up our ecological selves” – 60% of people won’t talk about the climate crisis - this meeting will help you move forward.

 9th July                            Sally Morgan on “climate change and gardens”

13th August                  No meeting

10th September       

8th October  

12th November      AGM

10th December




Thermal imaging cameras
We now have thermal imaging cameras that are available for members to use to assess their homes for heat losses - contact Charles Rodwell -


Now that we have become a formal charity we are signing up members.  As you have attended at least one of our meetings, we will enrol you as a member unless we hear from you, (If you do not wish to be enrolled write to Membership is free, carries no obligations and entitles you to vote at the AGM.  
With membership and trustees (Tara Castle, Sue Allen and Derek Chase) we will be properly constituted and eligible to receive funding.  Thank you in anticipation of your support. 


from previous meetings are now available on our website -






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