Bremzero held its second meeting on 22nd September after some eighteen months delay due to Covid. Despite the infection being in the village there was a good turnout and a lively discussion on many points. For instance, we discussed the use of the coffee mornings for recycling and reusing.
Out of the discussions came some very practical steps that we are taking forward:
Heat pump visits: with oil boilers being phased out, everyone will need to consider how they are to heat their homes. As a first step, David Wood is collecting information on who has what technology in their homes. Opportunities to learn from their experience and visit some homes will be arranged.
Thermal scanning: on keeping your heating costs down, thanks to Mike Watson, we will do some trials on thermal scanning to see if we can offer a service to identify where better insulation and draft proofing would be beneficial.
Next up is an Area Environmental plan. There are already two surveys of the Marden Valley and Roger is liaising with Sue Deedigan (who attended the meeting) at Calne Without to develop an action plan. This will involve surveys of flowers and animals – contact Roger for further details - roger.griff@btinternet.com
Money and investments. Mike Watson has kindly agreed to look into all things ethical on this topic and will be writing about this in the Newsletter and on the website. Thank you Mike.
Rubbish and recycling. David Stevens has been in touch with Hills to organise a trip there to watch our rubbish being processed – probably in the Spring. (if you had to choose between this and a trip to Torquay on a lovely sunny afternoon there would only be one answer…) Details to follow but meanwhile there is more information at https://www.wiltshire.gov.uk/what-happens-to-recycling
These are small steps but all address in different ways how we can impact the Climate Emergency that we are facing. Ask yourself the question – how do I want to relate to the crisis? You might want to start by working out your personal carbon footprint. This takes about 15 minutes – go to https://www.wwf.org.uk/learn/why-your-footprint-matters
Meanwhile Wiltshire Council has its draft Wiltshire Council’s Climate Strategy consultation completes on 17th October - go to https://surveys.wiltshire.gov.uk/snapwebhost/s.asp?k=162911004073 - it takes only a few minutes. It may be a good idea to encourage them on developments over which they have some control - such as local transport and rubbish collection and disposal.
Finally the date of the next meeting was agreed: 7.30 in Bremhill Village Hall, Wednesday 24th November. A date for your diary.