
One of the activities that really makes a difference

See Matt Innes presentation

Ideas from the Bremzero meeting in January 2023


Greengrocers (Calne)

Milk & More

Ecoproducts e.g. compostable scrubbers, bars of soap/shampoo rather than single use plastic bottles

Sainsbury’s mesh bags for fruit and veg

Refuse shopping bags in shops

Refill shops (Ecocreations in Calne)

Charity donations instead of presents

Mend stuff rather than buy new (repair café Corsham)

Riverford/other veg box

Use Devizes/Calne market and local farm shops

Smol products

O% plastic cleaning cloths

Oceansaver products

Who Gives a Crap toilet roll/kitchen roll/tissues

Panda bamboo tissues/toilet paper

Refillable coffee cups and water bottles

Library of things (sharing equipment)

Grow your own veg and only eat seasonal stuff if buying from shops

Ecoegg for laundry

Laundry strips detergent




Vinted/eBay/Esty/Facebook marketplace



Tool share

Pop up shop Devizes

Plastic bags (including food bags)

Buy clothes from charity shops

Takeaway plastic boxes/tubes

Paper bags instead of plastic bags




Batteries, printer cartridges and Brita filters can be recycled at supermarkets

Recycle toiletries at Boots/Bodyshop

Recycle dental products at dentist

Recycle plastic bags and crisp packets at Tesco’s/Sainsbury’s

Send rubber bands back to Royal Mail

Take plastic pens to Rymans

Large bins in community that people can put stuff in for dump, so people do not have to make individual trips

Community central collection at Glebe Farm?

Planetcare washing machine filters (remove micro plastics which then gets recycled)

Old computers and phones to charity