Our next meeting - potential agenda
We humans have created a CLIMATE EMERGENCY. Scientists, governments, councils, and a large percentage of the population agree.
Our government is making commitments which will affect us all including:
- electric vehicles going electric/hydrogen
- house heating going electric/hydrogen
- farming going biodiverse and sustainable
To make sure that we are informed and ready to make the most of these changes and opportunities we thought we could look at what we can do to help each other. The following are some ideas to stimulate thoughts for the meeting on 22 September. If anyone wants to make progress on these topics, or any others, before the meeting, please let me know (a.lovering12@gmail.com).
- Providing electric vehicle charging points for all, especially for vehicles using on-road parking.
- Assessing our homes so that we make the best decisions on insulation and ventilation before spending large sums on heating and cooling.
- Gathering information on heating and ventilation products and contractors.
- Benefitting from the experience of local people who have already installed carbon saving equipment.
- Preparing ourselves for the changes to the electricity supply markets which will happen in the next few years
- Community energy generation, and community heating schemes.
- Schemes to increase biodiversity and resilience.
- Food share scheme.
If you would like to get involved at County level then the Wiltshire Climate Alliance runs a number of interest groups and projects, and they have representation at Area Boards and Wiltshire Council.
Finally, perhaps the first thing to do is to assess our personal and area carbon footprints. Then we will know how big the challenge is to reduce those to ZERO by 2030.
For your personal carbon footprint try https://footprint.wwf.org.uk
For our area footprint have a look at https//impact-tool.org.uk
Hope to see you at the meeting, or hear from you before!
Andrew Lovering