Next steps
Hi everyone
I have been using the Covid 19 app which tracks symptoms – now with over three and a half million people contributing daily. You are only asked two questions – have you had a covid test and are you feeling normal? One day I put I had some sinus infection and next day there was a call up for the test. Surprisingly every time slot that day was available at Bristol airport our nearest testing station. Very straightforward process but well over two hours in the car for the round trip which you would not want to take if you were feeling unwell. Ironically I was hoping for a positive result – as not feeling very unwell that would be a great result to get it over with. However as only one in six tests come back positive, it came back negative as expected. The result gave me a little boost knowing I was all clear at least for a day or so. It also made the whole pandemic experience a bit more real and grounded. We now know that only about one in four hundred people are carrying the virus and in Wiltshire fewer than that – to put your risks in perspective as you begin to move out!
Not only is there the issue of how we relate to the risk of covid19, but there is also the issue of what we take from the experience of the lockdown that may inform our going forward. We have seen many positive developments – more community support, more appreciation for others notably key workers, more delight in the simple pleasures – and a recent YouGov survey found that 'only 9% of Brits want the personal and social changes they have seen to return to normal. 85% say they would like them to be permanent. This has led experts to suggest there is a long-term shift in how people perceive food, farming, health and the environment.' What do you want the future to look like? What can you personally do to support that future? A friend wrote in and said she was busy with three questions - what will she stop doing? what will we start doing? what will she continue doing?
We have established a facebook page to open discussions on this – - so do feed in your tuppence worth on this and join the discussion.
Finally this week a bonus corona cwiz:
1. Which country in Europe has the highest
a. number of Coronavirus cases?
b. has the highest number of Coronavirus related deaths?
c. has the highest death rate (ie per million population) from the pandemic?
2. What is the difference between covid-19 and the coronavirus?
3. What do the letters/numbers of covid-19 stand for?
4. Which of the following increases your risk of dying from Coronavirus?
a. Being female
b. Having diabetes
c. Drinking 5 pints of corona a day
d. Being from an ethnic minority
e. Travelling by public transport
f. Being overweight
5. From which animal is it thought the virus transferred to humans?
6. How many people so far have died worldwide from this pandemic? And in the 1919 flu pandemic?
7. Where is corona beer made?
8. Which animal is in danger in the UK where there are future local outbreaks of infection?
9. Which of the following safely reduces the spread of infection?
a. Drinking domestos
b. Social distancing
c. Wearing a mask
d. Being outside
e. Using a 50% alcohol gel
10. When Carrie said to Boris ‘A no. 10 baby’ and he said ‘I didn’t think it was that many’ were they both right? How many children does Boris have?
Answers next week.
With love
I welcome feedback and do send details of any resources you have found particularly useful.
There is a summary of how to stay safe at
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